Interview on RNE with Carlos Santos (Entre dos luces)
On November 6, 2020, I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the program “Entre dos luces” by Carlos Santos, a person I admire and follow. It seemed like a very special interview that I will always remember, where I also felt at home and was able to play some pieces.
“Entre dos luces” is the most important radio musical program, due to its duration and content, of the Spanish generalist radio. It is broadcast on RNE and Radio 5, every morning from Tuesday to Friday.
I leave the link below so that you can listen to it and I hope you enjoy it as I did.
Thank you very much to Carlos and RNE for this opportunity, a hug to all.

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Carlos Santos / Entre Dos Luces / entrevista / guitarra / Radio Nacional de España / RNE / silvia nogales barrios